Better copy - words used in web pages, ads, promotional materials, etc. - convert readers into customers.
Copywriting is critical for success online and offline. Copy gives design meaning and lays the foundation for content marketing, SEO, and messaging. Copywriting is the glue that ties it all together. Copyediting ensures that the written words are accurate, easy to follow, and free of error, omission, inconsistency, and repetition.
Copywriting & Editing Process
Copy is a direct conversation with the consumer. But before that conversation takes place, we need to have a conversation with you. Capturing your voice means understanding your content and your message.
Now I know my ABCs
Copywriting is a skill like any other and the more you do it, the better you become. Our people have overdeveloped copywriting muscles and experience in using words to move the world. We help you find your voice for maximum impact.
Next time won't you sing with me
We read, re-read and read again to ensure accuracy. There is nothing worse than that one annoying typo on the page. Like the itch you cannot scratch: it is all you think about and all you remember. Complete and thorough copyediting is the path to typo avoidance.